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Difficulties we can help with...


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Have you experienced a traumatic event in the past and find yourself often feeling anxious and jumpy? Do you find yourself feeling as if you are back in these moments and relive traumatic events sometimes in waking life and sometimes through nightmares and flashbacks? Do you experience feelings of isolation, irritability, and guilt? Have you been struggling with sleep and find it difficult to concentrate? You might be experiencing symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

CBT can help with confronting your feelings and helping you to come to terms with the traumatic event and reclaiming your life. I will be able to help you cope with any distress you might feel and help identify and change misrepresentations and unhelpful thoughts you might have about your experiences. The treatment usually takes 8 to 16 sessions, although fewer sessions might be needed. Sessions usually last for around 50 to 80 minutes.

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Have you been experiencing intense feelings of fear and panic regularly and often for no apparent reason? Have you found yourself experiencing physical symptoms such as: racing heart, feeling dizzy or faint, sweating and hot flushes, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, trembling, chills, shaky limbs, dizziness, needing to go to toilet, dry mouth, numbness or pins and needles, ringing in your ears, tingling, churning stomach, feelings of unreality, dread or fear of dying or fainting? Have you been avoiding certain situations because you fear they might trigger another attack? You might be suffering from Panic Disorder.


CBT can help with changing your thoughts, that influences how you feel at the time of panic. This change happens through behavioural experiment designed to check the authenticity of the threat you might be fearing.  As your thoughts change through testing them the way you feel changes too. During the sessions we will also be able to establish which coping strategies are helpful and which keep the problem going. Very often the short-term strategies we employ to feel better at the time might be making the problem worse in the long term. The treatment usually takes between 8 to 12 sessions, but often fewer sessions are required. Sessions usually last 50mins.



Have you been avoiding certain objects or situations because of an intense fear and sense of danger you experience when faces with this situation or an object? Are you experiencing strong physical sensations when presented with said situation or object such as: fast beating heart or trembling of shaking, dizziness and churning in your stomach? Has the avoidance of the situation or object has been getting in the way of your everyday life? You might be experiencing symptoms of Phobia.


CBT treatment focuses on using the physical knowledge about our bodily response when presented with phobic stimulus and using exposure therapy to become desensitised to the object or the situation to allow you to carry on with your everyday life without this fear. I will be able to support you throughout this process with gradual exposure starting from very manageable tasks and working our way towards more difficult tasks. Exposure will happen in safe environment and will be often first modelled by me. Exposure and modelling helps you to also challenge your beliefs about what might happen if you come to contact with the object or situation and change of these thoughts will result in change in feelings towards the object or situation. Treatment usually takes between 8 and 12 sessions, although fewer sessions might be needed. Sessions usually take 50mins.

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Covid 19

Health Anxiety

Have you been spending a lot of time worrying that you might be ill, or about getting ill that it has started to take over your life? Have you been checking your body for physical signs of getting ill, seeing reassurance from others, seeing your GP very often due to worries about risk or searching the internet for signs and symptoms of illness? Or maybe have you been doing the opposite avoiding tv programmes or information about illness and avoiding seeing a GP due to a fear that something might be seriously wrong with your health? Have you been constantly worried about your health? You might be experiencing Health Anxiety.


During the CBT sessions we will be able to establish which coping strategies are helpful and which keep the problem going. Very often the short-term strategies we employ to feel better at the time might be making the problem worse in the long term. I will also be able to help you identify and change misrepresentations and unhelpful thoughts you might have about what is going on. We will do this together through behavioural experiments that are designed to test your beliefs and worries. Treatment usually takes between 8 and 12 sessions, although fewer sessions might be needed. Sessions usually take 50mins.

Hands Clasped in Yoga Posture

Generalised Anxiety

Have you found yourself worrying most of the time about various things? Have you been struggling getting to sleep due to worrying about upcoming events or things that might happen? Have your worries often been centered around ‘what if..’ questions? Have you been feeling exhausted with worry and experiencing muscle tension or feeling tense? Have you tried to avoid thinking about your worries or postponing doing things because of worries that they will go wrong? You might be experiencing Generalised Anxiety.


During the CBT sessions we will be able to establish which coping strategies are helpful and which keep the problem going. Very often the short-term strategies we employ to feel better at the time might be making the problem worse in the long term. Generalised Anxiety is often made worse by our inability to tolerate uncertainty and I will be able to help you cope with uncertainty better which results in you worrying less. We will do this together through behavioural experiments that are designed to test your beliefs and worries. Treatment usually takes between 8 and 12 sessions, although fewer sessions might be needed. Sessions usually take 50mins.


Separation Anxiety

Have your you or your child found it very difficult to separate from one another? Have you experienced strong feeling of anxiety when separated from another person or your child? Have your child been avoiding being away from you? Have you or your child lost their independence due to this anxiety? You or your child might be experiencing symptoms of Separation Anxiety.


CBT will be able to help to establish which coping strategies are helpful and which keep the problem going. Very often the short-term strategies we employ to feel better at the time might be making the problem worse in the long term. Separation anxiety involved working with both parent and a child or you and another adult that you might be anxious about being away from. We will be able to work towards your or your child’s independence together through behavioural experiments that are designed to test beliefs and worries. As our thoughts change our feelings of anxiety also subside. Treatment usually takes between 8 and 12 sessions, although fewer sessions might be needed. Sessions usually take 50mins.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Have you been distressed by intrusive thoughts that come to your mind against your will and finding yourself unable to free yourself from them? Have you been feeling scared or very distressed by these thoughts? Have you been avoiding places or situations because of these thoughts?
Or maybe you have found yourself needing to perform the same actions over and over or in specific way to stop something bad from happening? Have these rituals been taking over your life and making it hard for you to do things you used to enjoy? Have you been spending a lot of time on these actions?
Possibly you have found yourself needing to perform the same actions over and over or in a specific way because it feels very uncomfortable not to do this? Have you experienced strong feelings of anxiety when you try to stop or have been otherwise prevented from performing these actions? Has the need to perform these actions been making your life difficult?
If you have answered yes to any of the above, you might be experiencing symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
During the CBT sessions we will be able to establish which coping strategies are helpful and which keep the problem going. Very often the short-term strategies we employ to feel better at the time might be making the problem worse in the long term. We will be able to help you test your beliefs and worries about what might happen if you were not to perform your rituals. We will do this together through behavioural experiments and exposure therapy. We will be able to support you throughout this process with gradual exposure starting from very manageable tasks and working our way towards more difficult tasks. Exposure will happen in safe environment and will be often first modelled by your therapist in sessions. Exposure and modelling helps you to also challenge your beliefs about what might happen and the change in your beliefs results in change in feelings. Treatment usually takes between 8 and 16 sessions, although fewer sessions might be needed. Sessions usually take 50mins.

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Office Space

Social Anxiety

Have you been avoiding social situations out of the fear of embarrassing yourself? Have you experienced anxiety due to the fear of what others might be thinking about you? Have you been avoiding meeting strangers, starting conversations, or speaking on the phone? Have you been worried about blushing, sweating, or appearing incompetent in social situations?  Have you been worried about being watched or judged by others? Have you experienced physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling or faster heart beat in these situations? Have you been isolating due to these anxieties and lost social contacts due to this? You might be experiencing social anxiety.


CBT will be able to help to establish which coping strategies are helpful and which keep the problem going. Very often the short-term strategies we employ to feel better at the time might be making the problem worse in the long term. I will be able to help you test your beliefs about what might happen in social situations. Our thoughts and fears have direct impact on how we feel and challenging these often helps in feeling less anxious in social situations and being able to resume your social activities without the anxiety. Treatment usually takes between 8 and 12 sessions, although fewer sessions might be needed. Sessions usually take 50mins.



Have you been feeling hopeless and unhappy for a while now? Have you been losing interest in things you usually enjoy doing? Have you been isolating and spending your time alone more often? Have you been tearful, tired, lost your appetite and difficulties sleeping? You might be experiencing low mood also known as Depression.


CBT will be able to help you find out which coping strategies are helpful and which might be keeping your low mood going. Together in sessions we will be able to find out together what kind of things might lift your mood not only in the short term. During CBT therapy you can learn what to do when feeling low to lift your mood in the future. We will also be able to work through your thoughts about yourself or others and work on changing the thoughts that might be keeping your problem going. Treatment usually takes between 8 and 12 sessions, although fewer sessions might be needed. Sessions usually take 50mins.

Image by Matheus Ferrero

CBT for adults and children on Autistic Spectrum

Eve (Lead CBT Therapist) specialised in working with neurodiverse clients. Eve is experienced in working with adults and children on Autistic Spectrum using CBT therapy. Eve has a special interest in Autism and extremely enjoy working with this client group. Autistic people might be experiencing the world differently to others around them, they might be feeling the emotions much stronger than others. They often think outside the box and have very different ways of coping with the difficulties. Eve will be able to adapt usual CBT sessions to your individual needs and help with anxiety or low mood that will be suited to your needs.

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Happy Couple

Couples CBT Therapy

Are you experiencing difficulties in your relationship? Whether this is with your spouse, loved one or friends/family member.
CBT enables couples to build and improve the relationship that supports development, well-being and fulfills the needs of both partners. CBT helps couples develop healthy boundaries, problem solve relationship and other difficulties and hold each other accountable respectfully and constructively.

Reaching Out to the Sun

CBT based live coaching

Are you ready to achieve your goals and full potential? CBT can help you to improve many different aspects of your life. 
The aim of the sessions is to work towards your life goals using CBT based approach. Depending on your needs and personal goals we will also be able to utilise Compassionate based, Acceptance and Commitment and Dialectical Behvioural Approaches.

Happy Young Man

CBT based live coaching for Autism

Are you or suspect that you might be on autistic spectrum? Are you struggling to achieve your full potential and life goals? CBT can help you to improve many different aspects of your life including orginisation, problem solving, relationships and navigating social aspects of your life. 
The aim of the sessions is to work towards your life goals using CBT based approach. Depending on your needs and personal goals we will also be able to utilise Compassionate based, Acceptance and Commitment and Dialectical Behvioural Approaches.

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ADHD, Personality Difficulties, Eating Difficulties, Emotional Dysregulation and Anger.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy

Have you been experiencing anger and/or other extreme emotions that you struggle to cope with? Have you been superficially self-harming or breaking things due to anger, anxiety, or intense sadness?

Have you been struggling with disorder eating patterns i.e. binge eating?

Maybe you have been struggling with hyperactivity or difficulties with sustaining attention as a result of ADHD?


Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is a form of a CBT adapted for people who experience emotions very intensely. During the sessions I will be able to help you recognise your strengths and develop and use them. You will learn to analise your problems or destructive behaviour patterns and replace them with healthy and effective ones. You will learn strategies to accept and tolerate your life, emotions, and yourself. You will also learn to communicate effectively and work with others around you. A full course of DBT takes approximately 6 months to complete. There are four main modules in DBT, mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Sessions are usually held in weekly intervals and you might expect to spend roughly 6 sessions on each module. Sessions usually take 50- 55 mins.

Drinking Coffee

Other difficulties

We can help with using CBT, EMDR, DBT, ACT, Mindfulness, Compassionate Mind approach (or a combination of these) as well as person centred Counselling, integrative counselling and creative play:

  • Self-esteem

  • Stress

  • Personality difficulties

  • Relationship difficulties

  • Parenting

  • Self-criticism

  • Shame

  • Guilt

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