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Helpful Resources


Thinking errors practice

Everyone makes thinking errors sometimes (also knows as cognitive errors or distortions). Some of more than others. Learning about thinking errors and learning to identify them, can prevent them from taking over our lives with a little practice everyday.

Sushi Train Metaphor by Dr. Russ Harris

This is a very helpful representation of sushi thoughts metaphor. Visualising this can help when getting stuck with the intrusive thoughts.

Flying Sushi_edited.png
Image by Caleb Woods

Adverse childhood experiences

Very informative video about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Impact on brain, body and behaviour.

Intrusive thoughts- Don't Think of a Pink Elephant

Click below to find an amazing and very powerful animation by Suraya Raja explaining the nature and difficulties of intrusive thoughts about harm to others or oneself.

School Hallway

Social Anxiety Experiments

This is a great video explaining the role of experiments in CBT treatment for social anxiety. Despite focusing on social anxiety specifically this is a good resource to explain role of experiments in all types of anxiety. It will help you understand how experiments help us change unhelpful thinking and reduce anxiety in the long run.

Childhood Trauma

This is a great video from Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families explaining brain development and childhood trauma. 
Click the button below to view.

Child by the Window

Good sleep routine for young people.

Often adjusting back to a good sleep routine after summer holidays, half-term or any kind of break isn't very easy. The article contains some very helpful tips on how to help your child adjust back.

Shorter Sleep Leads to Less Joy From Positive Experiences

A great article on importance of sleep. Do never underestimate the power of self-care and good rest.
Use the link below to access the Original story from the University of British Columbia.

Sleeping Cat
Image by Samuel Austin


A great video containing a scientific explanation of loneliness, vicious cycle of loneliness and how to come out of it.

Psychology Today article: 7 Signs You Should Talk to a Therapist

This is great article from Psychology Today by Amy Morin detailing reasons why you might want to seek help.


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